Aromatherapy for Women

top essential oils for women

Essential Oils are concentrated liquefied extracts containing the volatile aromatic compounds from plants, flowers and trees. They have been used for thousands of years for both ceremonial and medicinal applications going back to Ancient Egypt, China and India. Pure Essential Oils contain numerous complex components that often cannot be replicated in a lab, which makes them powerful tools for healing and well-being.

There are plenty of different essential oils to choose from, but here you’ll find a compiled list of essential oils which are highly beneficial to anyone who identifies as a woman. It’s no secret that women are amazing. Women are extraordinary beings who often carry the world on their shoulders, caring for everyone around them, sometimes forgetting to look after themselves.

Utilizing intention-based aromatherapy can help women live more fulfilling and rewarding lives by encouraging women to slow down and to live and act with intention. Life’s everyday challenges and routines can add extra pressure to the moments which should restore and rejuvenate us. Stress, anxiety and depression can have deep-rooted effects on everything from the quality of your rest and relaxation to your love life.



Anthemis Nobilis

Aroma: sweet, fruity and herbaceous with hints of apple and straw

Chamomile Blog

  • Soothing + calming
  • Can help relieve insomnia
  • Can help alleviate stress + tension
  • Relaxes the entire nervous system
  • Eases symptoms of depression + anxiety

Clary Sage

Clary Sage

Salvia Sclarea

Aroma: herbaceous and earthy

Clary Sage Blog

  • Highly effective at helping to balance hormones and relieve symptoms of PMS + Menopause
  • Can help ease menstrual cramps + muscle aches
  • May relieve hot flashes
  • Aids in depression, stress + anxiety



Pelargonium Graveolens

Aroma: bright and floral hints of mint and citrus

Geranium Blog

  • Uplifting and cooling
  • Supports hormonal balance
  • Can help relieve fluid retention
  • May reduce breast tenderness
  • Can help relieve anxiety and stress
  • Increases energy
  • Lifts mood



Jasminum Grandiflorum

“King of the Flowers”

Aroma: smooth, extremely intense floral smell that is both sweet and lingering.

  • Sensual, soothing + calming
  • Promotes a loving + peaceful environment
  • Can help regulate hormones
  • Aids in pain relief
  • Can act as a stimulant
  • Assists with depression + anxiety



Lavandula Angustifolia

Aroma: floral and bright with a sweet undertone

Lavender Blog

  • Soothing, calming + relaxing
  • Can help reduce anxiety + stress
  • Promotes sleep
  • Aids in headache relief
  • Cultivates a peaceful environment
  • Lifts and improves mood



Pogostemon Cablin

Aroma: warm, earthy aroma with fresh fruit-like tones

  • Sacred + grounding
  • Comforting yet stimulating
  • Aids in creativity
  • Sensual + arousing
  • Helps with balance
  • Instills love + passion
  • Promotes rest + relaxation

Rose Absolute

Rose Absolute

Rosa Centifolia

“Queen of the Flowers”

Aroma: intense and striking floral aroma that is invigorating

Rose Medicine Blog

  • Can act as an aphrodisiac
  • Helps relieve stress + anxiety
  • Creates calm + promotes heart center
  • Uplifts mood
  • Assists with self-love + self-care
  • Helps to balance hormones



Santalum Spicatum

Aroma: rich, earthy, balsamic and sweet fragrance with delicate wood notes

  • Grounding, ancient, wise + spiritual
  • Excellent for prayer, meditation + ritual
  • Exotic + sensual
  • Can act as an aphrodisiac
  • Helps to instill self-love
  • Promotes calm, peace + relaxation



Cananga Odorata

Aroma: highly sought after sweet, exotic and floral scent

Ylang-Ylang Blog

  • Can act as an aphrodisiac
  • Evokes peace + calm
  • Relieves tension, anxiety + stress
  • Can bring on feelings of euphoria
  • Helps to calm the nervous system
  • Boost mood

women's mental wellnesS

Because women can be extremely nurturing creatures, caring for everyone around them, self-care can fall by the wayside. But taking intentional time to care for your wellbeing and mental health is essential in being able to care for others. Your spiritual, mental and emotional wellbeing directly affects how you live, work, love and exist in this world.

Anxiety + Stress: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Cypress, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Neroli, Sweet Orange, Sandalwood, Rose, Ylang-Ylang

Insomnia: Bergamot, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Jasmine, Lavender, Rose, Sandalwood, Ylang-Ylang

Energy: Cinnamon, Clove, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Fir Needle, Ginger, Lemon, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Rosemary

kate's magik products for mental wellNESS

 As a young woman Kate read Marion Zimmer-Bradley's The Mists of Avalon, in which she relates the Arthurian legend from the perspective of a priestess. This magikal tale stirred up an ancient memory that sat dormant in me until my visit to the Isle of Avalon. To many of us, Avalon provides a portal from the earthly to otherworldly and a place where we can cross from the profane to the sacred.

Avalon perfume features trance-inducing Jasmine melded with herbaceous Blue Tansy to evoke the immortal, sacred feminine energy of the Isle of Avalon. Enigmatic Clary Sage, known as the woman's herb, brings spiritual growth, clairvoyance, and aligns us with the High Priestess within.

Priestess of the Moon and sacred Magik, reflector of light, bearer of water and divine knowledge. The Priestess resides at the portal betwixt the visible and the invisible world and serves as a conduit between spirit and matter, Heaven and Earth and the Gods and the Soul. She helps us heal from suffering and understands the spiritual basis of our Earthly existence. The archetype of the Priestess provides us with ancient wisdom and the ability to move beyond the density of this physical world. She enhances deep listening, luminous vision and understanding of the natural world. Priestess Perfume is composed around the alchemical trifecta of heavenly Carnation, divine Rose and mystical Myrrh - a touch of Clary Sage strengthens third eye vision. The aroma of Priestess is trance inducing, otherworldly and magically sensual. Allow her to guide you in your spiritual practice and conjure divine wisdom.

Quan Yin Sacred Perfume inspires kindness and forgiveness. Quan Yin is the Goddess of mercy, compassion and loving kindness. Heavenly Rose evokes the vibration of the divine feminine and re-instills faith, while Sandalwood and Vanilla encourage forgiveness and help you live in the present.

Peace & Purification Anointing Oil promotes relaxation and helps counter stress. This is a comforting and calming blend that helps support us during times of anxiety, stress, and depression and instills a deep sense of calm. Peace & Purification Anointing Oil is also a great aid against headaches and migraines and supports rest and relaxation. Peace & Purification Anointing Oil is a soothing & comforting blend of floral Lavender and calming Roman Chamomile. Apply to your Third Eye for intuition, sight and visualization and to your Throat Chakra for aid in communication, self-expression, song and voice.

Purification & Protection Aura Mist is a cleansing aromatherapy mist created to remove negativity, relieve stress and restore balance. Purification & Protection Aura Mist features exotic Sandalwood and comforting Lavender. Use Purification & Protection Aura Mist as an instant aromatherapy treatment by spraying in a circular motion above the crown of your head. As the mist falls down all around you, breathe deeply and feel the purifying power of the essential oils as any anger, negativity or stagnation dissolves away. Take a moment for reflection and embrace your new lightness of being. This mist is also a great way to remove bad vibes and cleanse any space to create a balanced atmosphere. Make it a part of your yoga or meditation ritual to help clear the mind and set your intention for practice. Additionally, Purification & Protection Mist is a powerful alternative when you can't burn sage or other cleansing herbs.

White Sage is a powerful and sacred herb revered for its cleansing and purifying properties. White Sage clears negative, stagnant energy and acts as an aid to connect you with the spiritual realm. Use this sacred Sage blend when you are unable to burn herbs in your space or keep it with you throughout the day for those moments that need clearing, cleansing and purification. Our White Sage is grown at a small family farm in Southern California. The plant is native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, found mainly in the coastal sage scrub habitat of Southern California and Baja California, on the western edges of the Mojave and Sonoran deserts. Shake your White Sage Sacred Mist well and spray around the body and living spaces to banish negativity, cleanse, purify and protect.

Lavender Essential Oil is good for many uses and applications. The aroma of Lavender is calming for body and mind and can help reduce anxiety, stress and promote sleep. It is an antidepressant and when applied to the temples can provide instant relief of stress or even headaches. It is also a great healing aid when applied to burns, scrapes and blemishes. Lavender can be a great help to calm and relax children.

more products for mental wellNESS

women's hormone Balance + Cylce 

There are many essential oils which support women’s hormonal balance, monthly menstrual cycles and menopause. These times of hormonal imbalances can be challenging and frustrating. Essential oils and aromatherapy can help.

Clary Sage is considered to be one of, if not the best essential oil for women. Sclareol is a chemical compound found in Clary Sage which mimics the effects of estrogen because of its estrogen-like structure. Sclareol stimulates the body to create more estrogen and can therefore help reduce hot flashes, menstrual cramps and balance hormones. 

Menopause (Estrogen + Hormone Balance): Clary Sage, Cypress, Geranium, Lavender, Neroli, Rose

Hot Flashes: Clary Sage, Lemon, Peppermint

PMS: Chamomile, Clary Sage, Geranium, Jasmine, Neroli, Rose

Bloating: Birch, Juniper Berry, Lavender, Patchouli

Menstrual Cramps + Muscle Pains: Chamomile, Ginger, Jasmine, Lavender, Rosemary

Headaches: Peppermint, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemongrass, Patchouli, , Rosemary

kate's magik products for hormone balance

Moon Goddess Anointing Oil instills joy and helps remove worries and fear. This regal Jasmine blend is uplifting yet calming. It brings forth a lust for life and can serve as an effective aphrodisiac. Moon Goddess Anointing Oil is also great for a woman's "moon time" and can be applied to the hands and feet during labor. Moon Goddess Anointing Oil is a sweet, uplifting blend of different types of Jasmine. Apply to your Solar Plexus for added benefits related to your truth, self and center of will, to your Throat Chakra for aid in communication, self-expression, song and voice, and to your Sacral Chakra for creativity, sexuality and strength.

Woman See Bright Anointing Oil is the ultimate blend for women. This blend evokes divine feminine wisdom and brings clarity and inspiration while balancing female energies. It also helps conquer fear and insecurity and is beneficial during PMS, menopause and childbirth as Clary Sage promotes a healthy hormonal balance. Woman See Bright Anointing Oili s a rich, sophisticated blend of Clary Sage and Jasmine. Apply to your Sacral Chakra for creativity, sexuality and strength, to your Heart Chakra for love, compassion and emotional balance and to your Third Eye for added benefits relating to your intuition, sight and visualization. 

Use Tranquil Moonlight Massage + Body Oil for peace, relaxation and sleep. A deeply calming and relaxing oil, Tranquil Moonlight helps release tension and promotes comfort, relaxation and rest. It supports sleep and rest by inducing a state of calm and tranquility as your worries and mind-chatter dissolve away into the ether. Massage over the entire body with emphasis on the heart and solar plexus. Breathe deeply and visualize the gentle calming moonlight wash over you and cleanse any worries or burdens. Self-apply before bed and drift off into deep restorative rest. Sweet dreams! Tranquil Moonlight Massage + Body Oil is a blend of warm, supportive wood notes and vanilla-y balsam which cradle sage and floral notes. Lavender comes together with Sandalwood to nurture and promote tranquility and grounding, Peru Balsam provides warmth and Clary Sage fosters deep calm and relaxation.

Water Aromatherapy Body Lotion was created for purification and healing. Water is purifying, rejuvenating, and transformational. Visualize your emotional pallet being cleansed as calming Lavender tames your nerves and night-blooming Jasmine intoxicates your senses. Allow the energy of water to flow through you, leaving you cleansed, feeling safe and nurtured. Lavish this lotion generously from head to toe while setting your intention for the day or evening. Inhale the divine aromas and visualize your wishes coming true.

$ 52.50

Jasmine is an adaptogenic oil that has powerful antidepressant properties and also can serve as an aphrodisiac. It is a sensual, yet soothing and calming oil that promotes love and peace and a positive mood.

Clary Sage Essential Oil an antidepressant and sedative. It is particularly beneficial for women as it is highly effective for balancing hormones and relieving hot flashes and PMS.

more products for hormone balance

women's sensuality

There are many ways to support and bolster your sensuality and pleasure centers before and during moments of intimacy. Women often express that they are too much “in their heads” to enjoy sexual intimacy because they are overthinking, thinking about the next chore or task which needs to be accomplished or simply letting low self-confidence stand in the way. Relief from stress and anxiety helps us to let go of things that we can’t necessarily control so that we can be grounded in the here and now to experience whatever is happening.

Taking the time, when you can, to ground yourself and set intentions for these intimate moments can help put you in the right mental space so that you are able to engage and revel in pleasure. When we are well, confident and present, we experience a freedom which allows us to enter the sacred space of lovemaking; whether with ourselves or another person.

Anxiety + Stress: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Cypress, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Neroli, Sweet Orange, Sandalwood, Rose, Ylang-Ylang

Grounding: Vetiver, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Cedarwood

Set a Sensuous Mood + Increase Desire & Libido: Ylang-Ylang, Neroli, Rose, Jasmine, Geranium, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Lavender, Vetiver, Cinnamon

kate's magik products for sensuality + pleasure

Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddess of love, sexuality, beauty and desire. She is associated and connected with the brightest star and the planet of love and is the counterpart to the Roman goddess of love, Venus. Aphrodite fosters desire, pleasure, seduction and love. Her mission is to spark passion, ignite creativity and lure you away from the mundane. The hypnotic aroma of Aphrodite will help unleash joyful sensuality, reveal inner desire and allow your thoughts to wander, be lost and wildly abandoned. Aphrodite is an erotic perfume extraordinaire. Use this potent aphrodisiac with the intention to summon sacred sexual connection, awaken pure passion, invoke playful vibration and fall in love with your sensual self. Aphrodite is composed around the rare, enigmatic Tuberose flower - nestled in balsamic Madagascan Vanilla, paired with fiery Ylang Ylang and fortified with zesty Citrus. 

Lakshmi Sacred Perfume evokes beauty and prosperity. Hindu Goddess Lakshmi is the embodiment of beauty, wealth and prosperity. This sacred perfume evokes both material and spiritual success while revealing authentic beauty with notes of Turmeric, Jasmine, and Honey.

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Sensual Lust & Passion Anointing Oil was created to awaken desire and attract attention. This blend is arousing and seductive and serves as an aphrodisiac. Sensual Lust & Passion stirs desire and attracts passionate energy while enveloping you in an aura of lusty beauty. Sensual Lust & Passion Anointing Oil is an intoxicating and fiery blend of exotic Ylang Ylang and Rose Absolute cradled in wood and spice. Apply to your Heart Chakra for added benefits regarding love, compassion and emotional balance, to your Sacral Chakra for creativity and sexuality and to your Root Chakra for grounding.

Venus - A Love Oil Anointing Oil was created for love and soulmate attraction. Evoke the goddess of love with this love attraction blend. It is seductive and sensual, yet wise and spiritual. Venus - A Love Oil Anointing Oil is a blend of exotic floral Ylang Ylang with a touch of Indian spice. Apply to your Sacral Chakra for creativity, sexuality and strength and to your Heart Chakra for love, compassion and emotional balance.

Aphrodisian Fire Massage + Body Oil was created for love, passion and sensuality. Aphrodisian Fire Massage + Body Oil is a bewitchingly sensual massage and body oil that enhances romance and excites the senses. It evokes Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Massage this oil over your partner's entire body and feel the passion rising or self-apply as a skin-nourishing, fiery body oil to bring fourth passion, love and confidence. Use to heighten sensual pleasures or wear to entice, attract and seduce. Aphrodisian Fire Massage + Body Oil is an exotic wood and flower essential oil blend. Sandalwood and Patchouli are deep and sensual while sultry Rose and flowery Ylang Ylang add a touch of the feminine.

Fire Aromatherapy Body Lotion was created to evoke love, passion and sensuality. Fire fuels confidence, passion and creativity. Fire Aromatherapy Body Lotion is sensual and empowering. Deep, sensual Sandalwood will encourage faith and trust, while exotic, feminine Moroccan Rose opens the heart and raises your vibration. Lavish this lotion generously from head to toe while setting your intention for the day or evening. Inhale the divine aromas and visualize your wishes coming true.

Pure Passion Aura Mist is an intoxicating aromatherapy mist created to evoke passion and create a sensual atmosphere. When it comes to the senses, scent is a powerful way to manifest passion and enhance mood. Pure Passion Aura Mist will help to release your natural pheromones, bring forth confidence and reveal your beauty. To create a sensual atmosphere, spray on bed linens or on yourself and your partner to heighten the intensity of desire. Use generously and feel the passion rising. Pure Passion Aura Mist features warm, sensual Patchouli with exotic florals and a hint of spice.

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self care day

Creating a set schedule where you intentionally make time for a self-care ritual each week can be life-changing. Take half of a day or an evening and make it all about you. Leave the world behind for a few hours and try your best not to think about work, friends and family. Set aside these few hours and dedicate them to self-nurturing, magik making and intention setting. This scheduled time could be any day of the week, a weekend, on a New or Full Moon, or just whenever you can. Find that space in between reality and beyond where healing can take place and where your guides and spirits can reach you more easily. Work on constructing your own inner temple; a place for you to retreat, rest, heal, grow and learn and conjure no matter where you are.

self care ritual ideas

Relaxing Bath

Take a calming hot bath with oils, salt and herbs to relax your muscles and your mind.

Here’s a recipe and directions for a relaxing and peaceful bath:

  • Run a hot bath.
  • Light candles and/incense.
  • Pour Lavender Essential Oil or Peace & Purification Anointing Oil into the bath.
  • Add in salt, dried herbs and flowers for peace and serenity.
  • Enjoy your bath.
  • Once out of the bath, cover your body, head to toe, in Tranquil Moonlight Massage & Body Oil.
  • *Replace oils with other Kate’s Magik blends for different intentions and purposes.

Tea Ritual

Create a tea ritual for yourself or to enjoy with another.

  • Prepare your table or space by cleaning physically and purifying the energy.
  • Arrange the space with flowers and crystals and light candles and or incense.
  • Choose your favorite cup or mug or one that matches your intention.
  • Choose your tea and brew with intention.
  • Anoint yourself with an Anointing Oil that aligns with your intention or goal for this time.
  • Feel or imagine your aura (energy field around the physical body) and heart expanding and your crown (area above your head) opening to the heavens to allow Great Spirit (light/peace) to fill you, guide and protect you during this sacred time.
  • Say your prayers ask for guidance and protection
  • When you feel complete, come to the present moment and feel (or imagine) an inner smile.
  • Open your eyes, cup your hands and bless your tea with love and healing and enjoy!
  • *Additionally, if you are stirring in cream or a sweetener, stir your spoon clockwise, envisioning that your goals and intentions are manifesting with every rotation! Or stir counterclockwise if you are releasing or letting go.

more self care practices

  • Read
  • Meditate
  • Learn more about the cycles of the Moon and how they might reflect or symbolize your own life.
  • Research and grow in your understanding of the Divine Feminine through the goddesses of Bastet, Isis and Venus.

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