Kate's Personal Evening Relaxation Ritual
- Make a cup of tea: rose, chamomile, or Sacred Ceremony Herbal Tea.
- Create a safe, harmonious, quiet space where you will be uninterrupted during your ritual - ideally, use the same every time allowing it to charge with divine energy.
- Light a candle and some sage, along with palo santo or incense.
- Use an Anointing Oils such as Peace and Protection, Uncrossing, Mediation & Trance or Woman See Bright - apply on your temples, rub into your neck or shoulders
- Close your eyes and inhale the aroma from your palms.
- Use an Anointing Oils such as Peace & Purification, Uncrossing, Mediation & Trance, or Woman See Bright - apply on your temples, rub into your neck or shoulders.
- Feel or imagine your aura (energy field around the physical body) and heart expanding and your crown (area above your head) opening to the heavens to allow Great Spirit (light/peace) to fill you, guide and protect you during this sacred time.
- Say your prayers ask for guidance and protection
When you feel complete, come to the presentmoment and feel (or imagine) an inner smile.
- Open your eyes.
- Cup your hands and bless your tea with love and healing
- Begin sipping your tea leisurely.
For additional enhancement you may use: