The Awakening Series: Abundance

September 17, 2018

The Awakening Series: Abundance


In this fourth of a four-part series, Kate Becker, Jo Ruddy, Dove Crawford and Quynn Red Mountain share four unique paths to help YOU cultivate and embody abundance in your everyday life!

Join us in a beautiful and central private home to explore your authentic path to healing and activation of joyful abundance in your life. This multifaceted event includes discussion, practical experiential exercises, personalized ritual and movement that will help you enhance your relationship with your most abundant life.

During this 1 day event, you will learn:

  • The elements of true abundance

  • How to recognize abundance in the life you have right now

  • How to shift blocks to ensure abundance

  • The power of sharing abundance

Please bring pen and paper to the workshop so you can record the highlights. For those who choose, you may bring a yoga mat or pillow to participate in the movement exercises.


Kate Becker (Therapeutic Perfumer/Spiritual Life Coach and owner/founder of Kate's Magik) in collaboration with metaphysical life coach & Master Clinical Hypnotherapist Dr. Jo Ruddy (co-owner/founder of Counseling Concepts, LLC along with Animist Minister, Quynn Red Mountain and Healer-Yogini-Guide Dove Crawford; will share 4 different methods on how to overcome and move through physical, mental and spiritual challenges related to your most abundant life.

These four extraordinary women are all dedicated professionals who have spent most of their life studying, applying and teaching various methods of spiritual transformation. While experiencing the transformational effects, all came to the evolutionary healing of their own physical and emotional wounds. These teachings are for people who want to change their habits and transform their lives; as well as, those who are struggling with ongoing physical and/or emotional challenges. Be inspired while learning to see your challenges as your greatest teachers. Learn effective metaphysical tools to help find deeper healing and spiritual connection on a daily basis.

"Awakening your Inner Abundance" may include but not be limited to: ceremony, meditation techniques, spirit world drum journeying, movement, yoga, aromatherapy, storytelling, song and more!

Tickets are $44. 10 % of teach ticket price will go to a local charity.

These four extraordinary women are all dedicated professionals who have spent most of their life studying, applying and teaching various methods of spiritual transformation. While experiencing the transformational effects, all came to the evolutionary healing of their own physical and emotional wounds. These teachings are for people who want to change their habits and transform their lives; as well as, those who are struggling with ongoing physical and/or emotional challenges. Be inspired while learning to see your challenges as your greatest teachers. Learn effective metaphysical tools to help find deeper healing and spiritual connection on a daily basis.

Kate Becker is a therapeutic perfumer, singer-songwriter and the owner/founder of Kate’s Magik -- a holistic aromatherapy company-- that creates 100% pure Reiki-charged essential oil blends. Her oils unite the power of intention with the beautiful aromas of the earth’s healing plants.

Growing up Kate experienced years of poor health that was clearly tied to her fragile emotions. After Kate’s spleen was removed at age seven, she was left with a weakened immune system for which western medicine was used of no avail. Finally, the discovery of alternative medicine and holistic approaches helped her discover the connection between mind and body.

Kate became a certified Reiki practitioner as a teenager which prompted her to tap into the restorative powers that lay within her. Later, while living in New York City, she advanced her studies in energy healing, meditation and the study of the chakras. At this time, Kate began to incorporate Intention-based work. It was here too, she was also able to fulfill her dream of becoming a singer/songwriter with the guidance of a vocal coach who used Inner Child work as part of her teachings. It was through these experiences of success-- as she moved through the challenges--that opened up the creation and teaching of her own methodologies which focus on finding our gifts within our wounds.

After moving to Southern Arizona in 2002, Kate developed an approach encompassing the combination of medicinal plant essences (essential oils), energy work (reiki), and the power of the mind (intention). These became the foundation for Kate's Magik .

Quynn Red Mountain is a shamanic practitioner, spiritual mentor and author of "A Tribe of One-Express your Shamanic Self" and "Accepting the Ashes- A Daughter's Look at PTSD". She is the ordained Animist Minister for Earth Web Media’s “Web of Life Animist Church” and the founder of “Intuitive Shamanic Animists” (the spiritual education branch of EWM).

After a life-altering physical experience at the age of 27, Quynn could suddenly hear the Spirit World, and felt an age-old calling that is called by one culture “Shaman”, although her Spirit Guides call her OOlah (meaning One Who Balances). This new connection came in the form of visions, auditory messages, as well as many forms of synchronicity and spirit traveling. Over 20 years later, after helping many people connect their Mind, Spirit World and Soul, Quynn experienced a crisis of the Body. As she wove her way through a diagnosis of “Cancer” using her spiritual tools, she heard the Soul healing messages this “dis-ease” shared. As she found her way back to wellness, she also brought back circles, sessions and workshop series that can more effectively help others in crisis of mind, body and spirit.Learn more at

Dove Crawford is a RYT-500 yoga teacher, inspirational speaker and healing guide who is committed to serving the highest good of all beings through yoga, mindfulness, consciousness and love. Dove utilizes transcultural teachings to support those seeking to overcome physical, mental, spiritual and emotional challenges. Her unique combination of formal education, professional experiences and intensive study abroad allow her to create deeply impactful, customized resources for others.

Dove is a former first responder and veteran who has overcome terminal illness through alternative, natural and yogic methodologies and now lives to share these powerful practices with others to ease suffering and promote love, health and happiness.

Dove offers healing, growth and expansion support services and resources to individuals, groups and organizations.

Dr. Jo Ruddy is a Metaphysician and a Clinical Hypnotherapist. She is the founder of Counseling Concepts. In addition she also co-owns Transformational Concepts, Tucson’s only 100% holistic addiction recovery center.

Jo exclusively practices metaphysical approaches to healing. She specializes in the study of the unconscious mind where all emotions, memories, and addictive patterns are held. Her solution-focused orientation enhances her ability to hone in on core issues. With deep compassion, wisdom, and humor, her technique is the art of imparting the ability to guide individuals toward empowerment.

It has been through Jo’s own healing experience that she has come to understand the metaphysical aspects of physical illness and how to heal through the power of the unconscious. Furthermore, by understanding soul contracts, she has come to understand the source of illness. But most of all, by learning to truly live a life of self acceptance, self forgiveness, and ultimately self love, Jo has found a deeper ability to bring forth healing.

At 8-years-old, along with growing up in a volatile home, Jo was diagnosed with renal insufficiency due to an undiagnosed kidney infection. At the age of 26, she had her first kidney transplant. Three and a half years later, she lost the organ due to a virus she contracted from the donor and began a seven year battle for her life on dialysis. Jo experienced acute rejection of a second transplant in 1997, which doctors believed she would not survive. It is here she discovered how unresolved emotions are held in the body causing “dis-ease”. In addition she learned how to delve into a deeper sense of spirituality, rather than traditional psychology. In 1999, Jo received a third kidney transplant, which continues to have normal function today.

Dr. Jo has had astonishing success helping persons who suffer from physical illness such as: Fibromyalgia, Cancer, Renal Insufficiency/failure, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, and other movement disorders. Many have found relief from symptoms. In some cases, patients have found complete remission.Through metaphysical teaching & experiential practice, public speaking, and the class paradigm--she assists her students, so they can release chronic pain from the body, dissipate painful memories, change negative repetitive patterns, release fear, and thereby live a more authentic life. For more information read more at:


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