Mabon Blessings, Beautiful People!
Here we stand at the threshold of the Autumnal Season, the Fall Equinox, which ushers in a time of harvest and gratitude. And so begins our journey into the shadows, introspection and transformation. From tonight on forth, the nights will become longer, the days shorter and temperatures crisper; as the Northern hemisphere of our planet prepares for a time of hibernation and ultimately renewal (Winter Solstice).
It’s been a helluva transformational journey over the past three plus years-- we are now ready for plentiful blessings and miracles to rain upon us! TODAY– on this auspicious Equinox of equal night and day – is the ideal hour to take a pause and acknowledge our courage, tenacity and perseverance. I believe we all deserve to give ourselves a warm hug for having come this far, and accomplished so much. Seriously, we work so hard to better ourselves, pay our bills, and be a good partner, friend or family member. It is in our nature to think we could’ve done better or that we are not enough, but just for today let us acknowledge ourselves for having done the best we can. Let’s collectively set the intention to love ourselves more fully, especially in hard times.
Today we find the balance required to move into the darker half of the year. Today we light candles, set altars, eat harvest food and GIVE THANKS. Please join me in entering this time of Magik-making: purification, transformation and deep healing. It’s exciting; it’s the big work we are here to do. Happy Autumn and thank you for being part of my journey.
Yours with Love and Magik,