Kate's Summer Solstice Message

June 21, 2023

Kate's Summer Solstice Message

Midsummer Blessings Beautiful People!

Today is the longest day of the year in the season of greatest light, when the northern hemisphere is illuminated by the hot summer sun and daytime spills into the evening hours.

The Summer solstice, also known as Litha, marks the (official) first day of summer, and a time of fruitful harvest, joy and jubilee. It’s the culmination of sunlight and the portal to the waning half of the year which lasts until the Winter Solstice. Working with and being present to the cycles of the seasons is truly such a beautiful part of life.

Since my transformative trip to Egypt last December I have been experiencing the sun in a wholly different way and consciously working with its medicine on a daily basis.

Admittedly, I am a night owl by nature (it runs in my family), but in Egypt I watched the sunrise over the Nile every morning. To witness the unique and indescribable quality of light of the Egyptian sun is a magical phenomenon I wish upon everyone. During those days of sailing the sacred river and experiencing the ancient temples which house many solar and lunar gods, I became even more aware of the importance of working with the cosmos and how its energy can effect and enhance daily life. We must remember that we are just one small planet in the infinite realms, and that the gravity of our mind tends to keep us from expanding into greater consciousness. Working with the power of the sun (moon and stars) has helped me reach beyond, what at times can feel like a self-oriented and limited (earthbound) existence.

“There can be no question about the supremacy of the sun. It is the sun that is the source of life and emblem of the creative spirit that permeates the whole world.“ Jeremy Nadler writes so poetically in his book Temple of the Cosmos

All that said, we do not need to journey to faraway lands to harness the power of the sun. We all have the honor of living with it every single day. Even on days when the sky is covered in clouds or nights when we lie awake in darkness, our inner eye can conjure the sun’s divine presence, bring it into our heart and fill our being with ebullient light.

Working with sunny, citrus oils such as our Sun of Success, Stream of Success, Illuminationand of course our Sun Medicine as well as deities such as Ra, Hathor, Lugh, Sekhmet, Apollo, or Helios can help conjure sun medicine.

Today, on this very special day, as we find ourselves at the brightest hour of the wheel of the year, I hope my words can bring you some inspiration and illumination. We all understand this earthly existence can be a dense, complicated ebb and flow of light and darkness. But our heavens are always here to support us and during this time of warmth and light let us remember to soak it up with open hearts and gentle minds.

Happy Summer Solstice!!

With Love & Magik,


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