June 2020 Bastet Perfume Society: Sol

the sol story


 Sol Bastet Perfume was composed in honor of the Summer Solstice, aka Litha, a celebration of the sun, joy, abundance, fulfillment, and celebration - all qualities much needed in our times. Litha, the Celtic word for light, is when the sun reaches its highest point on the horizon (in the northern hemisphere) and midsummer light shines to its fullest capacity.

Sol will spark your spirit, outshine negativity and instill a sense of hope and authentic joy. Balsamy, balancing Himalayan Cedarwood, provides a supportive foundation while tenderhearted Neroli illuminates and comforts. A sunny medley of Citrus with a touch of fiery Pink Pepper emanates rays of liquid sunshine. June’s Bastet Perfume Sol, shall bring delight, inspire happiness, and instill a sense of limitless possibilities.

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