1. Light a candle and find a comfortable place to sit with a notebook and pen.
2. Purify your space with Sage or Purification and Protection Aura Mist, and/or anoint yourself with Uncrossing or Letting GoAnointing Oil or Massage + Body Oil.
3. Take a moment to reflect on 2024 and write down month-by-month the significant events that happened in your life. It can span from subtle spiritual changes to concrete manifestations such as: I bought a house, or I went through an ego death, or I learned how to set better boundaries with my mother.
Write down as many things as you wish to.
4. Once you have looked at 2024 month-by-month you can better evaluate what you experienced. Choose 5 themes to describe your year and write them down. Some theme examples:
- Purification and deep cleanse
- Finding a great love
- Diving into my darkness
- Disappointment with friendships
- Growing my business
5. Burn some White Sage, Frankincense,or Myrrh Resin and sit in meditation. Take 3 deep breaths to ground yourself.
6. Imagine a green light emanating from your heart in all directions. Feel a warm light opening your heart for 5 minutes.
7. Now visualize all the 5 Themes of 2024 and the lessons and blessings that have come with it. Take a very close look at your life, and offer all your blessings for humanity, such as food, shelter, income, friendships, and above all love.
8. Let the feeling of deep gratitude take over your body, and Imagine yourself letting go of any hyperactivity or pain. Find your stillness and ground yourself in true gratitude.