Founder, Creator, and Formulator, Kate Becker, is a strong believer in intention-based work. Setting your intentions each day is a practice that helps us remain anchored in the present and live each day with mindfulness. Kate's Magik Intention-Based Essential Oil Blends are formulated as tools to support intentional living with the assistance of Earth's sacred plants, flowers, and trees.

When confronted with the everyday challenges of fast-paced contemporary living, we easily forget to ask ourselves what we need to overcome difficulties and be successful in our daily lives. Harnessing the power of our minds and setting our intentions each day gives us an opportunity to break out of autopilot and greet each day with meaning and purpose.

Kate’s Magik combines aromatherapy with the power of intention to help release unhealthy thought patterns while identifying and clarifying our needs to manifest our desires. By uniting aroma, plant medicine and intention, we amplify the mind to empower change and growth.

how does Aromatherapy work?

  1. Aromatic Compounds are inhaled through the nose and travel through the nasal tract which contain the Olfactory Receptors.
  2. Inhaled Aromatic Compounds turn into Odor Molecules that first reach the Olfactory Bulb.
  3. The Olfactory Bulb then transmits smell information to the Brain and to the Limbic System. 
  4. The Limbic System is connected to the parts of the Brain that control memory, emotion and hormone balance. 
  5. The Limbic System will then signal the release of neurochemicals, hormones and neurotransmitters which help the body regulate psychological and physical functions.

read about setting intentions

the power of intention

When confronted with the everyday challenges of fast-paced contemporary living, we easily forget to ask ourselves what we need to overcome difficulties and be successful in our daily lives. Harnessing the power of our minds and setting our intentions each day gives us an  opportunity to break out of autopilot and greet each day with meaning and purpose. 

 An intention  is essentially a goal, aim, target, plan or purpose for something specific. To live with intention or to create intentions for your life is to believe that those specific intentions will eventually come to fruition. Intention and manifestation generally walk hand in hand. When you set intentions for this or that, manifesting is how you make it happen. The intention is the seed that will then grow and flower into your desired manifestation! Setting your intentions each day is a practice that helps us remain anchored in the present and live each day with mindfulness.